Tuesday, December 11, 2007

you can find it in the melody...March 18, 2007

Music gives way to alot of things if you really think about it. Well maybe not so much the music, but the lyrics really. Alot of times we hear a song and immediately we can relate. I think alot of times we use music to say the things that we can't quite say ourselves. Maybe to some people a song is just a song, but lately it seems more than just a beat and meaningless words. It seems like maybe those lyrics are more than words once written on the edge of a napkin and now a world-wide phenomenon, but maybe those lyrics are a voice. For some people maybe its their own voice they hear and to others it could be someone they love or maybe just someone they know. Maybe I'm taking this a little far, but if you know me you probably know I tend to do that. You know, overanalyze, overthink, overstress. To some people maybe they hear the melody. Those are the type of people who are totally into the beat and there just into having fun. And then you have the lyrics people. I guess thats me. Some people hear the melody in the song because its easier to have fun then to worry about what the person is actually saying, but for me im a lyrics kind of person, even though sometimes i don't always hear the happiest part of the song. I know that I never miss the point. I guess that part of being a lyrics person, you know analyzing every word and constantly listening to the song to pick apart the lyrics. But yeah, Im kind of rambling so Im going to try and wrap this up. I guess music is important because for alot of people its the voice that they cannot find within themselves....and know matter if youre a lyrics or melody person you can relate to that. I think thats why music plays such an important role in our lives, because it gives way to the emotions that we can't express, and some people need that well to be honest most people need that kind of constent in their lives, because no matter how hectic life gets the words to a song never change, i guess thats why im a lyrics person. The consistency that it brings is what i need.

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